DESIGN FINALIST IN THE ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI AUDITIONS (2011 – 2012) October 6, 2015 – Posted in: Awards


Gold Design Awards & Collection Launch


Following on from Urban Tribes 1.0, designers were pushed to design with a certain person in mind, focusing on the ‘who’ and ‘why’ of their design motivation. Six make-believe characters were developed and placed into three main design themes (steam punk, dual purpose/collaborative and bold, sleek, uncluttered). The designers then had to review each character’s back-story, and design something particularly for that character whilst staying true to the design theme chosen for each character.

Not only was this an amazing competition to be a part of due to its reputation and stature, this was a once in a life time opportunity having so much freedom to design with 500g of gold. The whole structure of the competition made it exciting to design for someone in particular. This made Florence, the character I chose, more than just a make -believe person. She became my client, and designing for her felt like a very real world situation.

AngloGold Design Finalist